03 - ASM 🧮#
The github repository contains MASM (windows) and NASM (windows + linux) version. After the prologue I only consider the windows version.
Bad optimization#
Non-sequential array indexing
Unnecessary use of registers and redundant operations
Unnecessary arithmetic calculations during array access
Inefficient management of the stack and registers
Repetitive calculation of the golden ratio constant
Inefficient use of comparisons and jumps
Description of the DLL/SO#
; Prologue
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
; Adjust to store the local variables
; Save non-volatile registers
push rbx
push rsi
push rdi
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
Calculate the Golden ratio#
; Calculate the golden ratio: (1.0 + sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0
fld1 ; Load 1.0 onto the FPU stack
fld QWORD PTR [FIVE] ; Load 5.0 onto the FPU stack
fsqrt ; Compute sqrt(5.0)
fadd ; Add 1.0 (result: 1.0 + sqrt(5.0))
fld QWORD PTR [TWO] ; Load 2.0 onto the FPU stack
fdiv ; Divide (1.0 + sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0
fstp QWORD PTR [GOLDEN_CONST] ; Store the result in GOLDEN_CONST
Get the arguments from#
; Arguments in register store in local
; RCX -> fbStart (8 bytes)
; RDX -> maxTerms (1 byte)
; R8 -> maxFibo (8 bytes)
; R9 -> maxFactor (8 bytes)
mov [rbp - 8], rcx ; fbStart
mov [rbp - 16], rdx ; maxTerms
mov [rbp - 24], r8 ; maxFibo
mov [rbp - 32], r9 ; maxFactor
; Arguments in the stack
; Return Address -> (8 bytes) - but 16 bytes alignment
; Home space -> (32 bytes) (48)
; [rbp+48] -> nbrOfLoops - (8 bytes)
; [rbp+56] -> pointer to arTerms (unsigned long long*) - (8 bytes)
; [rbp+64] -> pointer to arPrimes (bool*) - (8 bytes)
; [rbp+72] -> pointer to arError (double*) - (8 bytes)
; [rbp+80] -> reference to goldenNbr - (8 bytes)
; Arguments in register store in local
; RDI -> fbStart (8 bytes)
; RSI -> maxTerms (1 byte)
; RDX -> maxFibo (8 bytes)
; RCX -> maxFactor (8 bytes)
; R8 -> nbrOfLoops - (8 bytes)
; R9 -> pointer to arTerms (unsigned long long*) - (8 bytes)
mov [rbp - 8], RDI ; fbStart
mov [rbp - 16], RSI ; maxTerms
mov [rbp - 24], RDX ; maxFibo
mov [rbp - 32], RCX ; maxFactor
mov [rbp - 40], R8 ; nbrOfLoops
mov [rbp - 48], R9 ; pointer to arTerms (unsigned long long*)
; Arguments in the stack
; - 48 bytes of local variables
; Return Address -> 0 bytes to 8 bytes (+8 bytes for alignment)
; [rbp+16] -> pointer to arPrimes (bool*)
; [rbp+24] -> pointer to arError (double*)
; [rbp+32] -> reference to goldenNbr
; Some verification
; -----------------
; Load the values of fbStart, maxFibo, maxTerms, maxFactor, and nbrOfLoops into registers
mov rax, rcx ; Load fbStart into rax
mov rcx, rdx ; Load maxTerms into rcx
mov rbx, r8 ; Load maxFibo into rbx
mov rdx, r9 ; Load maxFactor into rdx
xor rsi, rsi ; Zero out rax
movzx rsi, byte [rbp+48] ; Move 1 byte from [rbp+48] and zero-extend to 64-bit
; Check conditions and return PRM_ERR if any condition is true
cmp rax, 1 ; Compare fbStart with 1
jl prm_err_label ; Jump to prm_err_label if fbStart < 1
cmp rbx, 1 ; Compare maxFibo with 1
jl prm_err_label ; Jump to prm_err_label if maxFibo < 1
cmp rcx, 3 ; Compare maxTerms with 3
jl prm_err_label ; Jump to prm_err_label if maxTerms < 3
cmp rdx, 2 ; Compare maxFactor with 2
jl prm_err_label ; Jump to prm_err_label if maxFactor < 2
cmp rsi, 1 ; Compare nbrOfLoops with 1
jl prm_err_label ; Jump to prm_err_label if loop < 1
cmp rcx, MAX_FIBO_TERMS ; Compare maxTerms with MAX_FIBO_TERMS
jg tmt_label ; jump and leave
mov rax, MAX_FIBO ; Same with MAX_FIBO
cmp rbx, rax ; Compare maxFibo with MAX_FIBO
jg too_big_label ; jump and leave
cmp rdx, rax ; Compare maxFactor with MAX_FIBO
jg too_big_label ; jump and leave
Main loop#
xor rcx, rcx ; reset counter to 0
call clearAndFill
call fiboWork
call calculate_error
; Increment the loop counter
inc rcx
; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
cmp rcx, rsi
jl main_loop
Clear, fill the arrays#
clearAndFill PROC
push rcx
push rsi
; Clear arTerms and arPrimes
; --------------------------
mov r10 , [rbp - 16] ; r10 = maxterms
imul r8, r10, 50 ; endpoint of the loop
mov rcx, 0 ; counter to 0
mov r9 , [rbp - 8] ; r9 = fbstart
mov rax, [rbp+56] ; rax = ptr to arTerms
mov rdx, 0 ; rdx zero
mov [rax + 8 * rcx], rdx ; fill with zero
mov rax, [rbp+64] ; rax = ptr to arPrimes (bool)
mov dl, 0 ; dl to false (0)
mov [rax + rcx], dl ; fill with zero
; Increment the loop counter
inc rcx
; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
cmp rcx, r8
; Continue looping if rcx is less than rdx
jl loop_unsigned
; First term
; -------------
mov rcx, 0
; init the first value with r11 (fbStart)
mov rax, [rbp+56] ; rax = ptr to arTerms
mov [rax], r9 ; r9 = fbstart , first term
mov [rax + 8 * 50], r9 ; second term = fbstart
; Factorization of the two first terms
mov r13, 0
call factorization ; r13 = first value
mov r13, 50
call factorization ; r13 = second value
; Clear arError
; -------------
mov rax, [rbp+72] ; ptr to arError
movsd xmm0, QWORD PTR [INIT] ; Load the double value -1 into xmm0
movsd QWORD PTR [rax + 8 * rcx], xmm0 ; fill arError with 0 (rcx =0)
; Increment the loop counter
inc rcx
; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
cmp rcx, r10
; Continue looping if rcx is less than rdx
jl loop_double
pop rsi
pop rcx
clearAndFill ENDP
Searching Fibonacci sequence terms#
fiboWork PROC
push rcx
push rsi
mov r10 , [rbp - 16] ; r10 = maxterms
mov rcx, 100
imul r10, r10, 50 ; r10 *= 50
mov rax, [rbp+56] ; ptr to arTerms
mov rdx, 0 ; rdx = 0
mov r8, [rax + 8 * rcx - 800] ; last last term
add rdx, r8 ; rdx = r8
mov r8, [rax + 8 * rcx - 400] ; last term
add rdx, r8 ; rdx = r8 + r8
cmp rdx, [rbp - 24] ; compare to max_fibo
jg out_max_fibo ; jump and leave
mov [rax + 8 * rcx], rdx ; store result
mov r12, rdx
call isPrime ; isPrime(r12) ?
; return if rax = 1 prime else rax = 0
mov r11, [rbp+64] ; pointer to arPrimes
test rax, rax ; if rax = 0
jz not_prime ; jump to not_prime
; here it is prime we need to modify the value
mov dl, 1 ; True
mov [r11 + rcx], dl
mov r13, rcx
call factorization ; factorization(r13)
; Increment the loop counter
add rcx,50
; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
cmp rcx, r10
; Continue looping if rcx is less than rdx
jl calculate_fibo
pop rsi
pop rcx
fiboWork ENDP
factorization PROC
; save r10 and rcx to the stack
push r10
push rcx
; baseIndex is in r13 by the caller
mov r11, [rbp - 32] ; r11 = maxFactor
mov r10, [rbp + 56] ; r10 = get the first value of arTerms
mov r9, [rbp + 64] ; r9 = get the first value of arPrimes
mov r8, 0 ; position = 0
mov rbx, 2 ; rbx = 2 (the start)
mov rcx, [r10 + 8 * r13] ; rcx = result
mov rax, rcx ; rax = value
xor rdx, rdx ; rdx = 0
div rbx ; rax / rbx, modulo in rdx
test rdx, rdx ; if rdx not 0
jnz not_a_factor ; jump
; we have a number that is a factor
inc r8 ; r8 increase 1
mov rcx, rax ; result of the division in rcx
xor r14, r14 ; r14 = 0
mov r14, r13 ; store r13 in r14 (not useful ?)
add r14, r8 ; r14 = r14 + r8
mov [r10 + 8 * r14], rbx ; store the factor
; test if prime for r12
mov r12, rbx
call isPrime
; if rax = 1 prime else rax = 0
test rax, rax
jz not_prime_facto
; here it is prime we need to modify the value
mov dl, 1 ; True
mov [r9 + r14], dl
; end of the array jump and leave
cmp r8, 49 ; 50 = fibo term + 49 * (factors)
je end_factorization
; not a factor just increase rbx
inc rbx
; if rbx too big end factorization
cmp rbx, r11
jg end_factorization
; if rcx too big end factorization
cmp rcx, 1
je end_factorization
; Continue the factorization
jmp start_while
pop rcx
pop r10
factorization ENDP
isPrime function#
; test if a r12 is prime number
isPrime PROC
; save on the stack r8, r9
push r8
push r9
mov r8, [rbp - 32] ; r8 = maxFactor
cmp r12, r8 ; If numberPrime is greater than or equal to maxFactor
jg search ; jump now to search
; r8 = r12
mov r8, r12
mov rbx, 2 ; rbx = 2
mov r9, 1 ; r9 = 1 (it's not prime)
; brutforce search
xor rdx,rdx ; rdx = 0
mov rax, r12 ; rax = r12
div rbx ; rax / rbx
test rdx, rdx ; if modulo = 0, not a prime !
jz found ; jump to end
; Increment the loop counter
inc rbx
; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
cmp rbx, r8
; Continue looping if rcx is less than rdx
jl brutPrime
jmp exit ; leave
mov r9, 0 ; return 0 it's prime
mov rax, r9
; restore r9 r8
pop r9
pop r8
isPrime ENDP
Calculate error#
calculate_error PROC ; Calculate and fill error array
push rcx
push rsi
mov r10, [rbp - 16] ; maxterms
mov r8, [rbp + 72] ; error array
mov r9, [rbp + 56] ; arTerms array
xor r11, r11 ; r11 = 0 (will store the position)
imul r12, r11, 50 ; r12 - position in arterms
cmp r11, 2 ; if it's the two_first_value
jl two_first_value ; jump
mov rax,[r9 + 8 * r12 - 400] ; rax = last term
mov rbx,[r9 + 8 * r12 - 800] ; rbx = last last term
cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax ; xmm0 = rax
cvtsi2sd xmm1, rbx ; xmm1 = rbx
divsd xmm0, xmm1 ; xmm0 = xmm1 / xmm0
; Load GOLDEN_CONST into xmm1
movsd xmm1, [GOLDEN_CONST]
; Subtract GOLDEN_CONST from xmm0
subsd xmm0, xmm1
; absolute value
movsd xmm1, [abs_mask] ; Load the mask into xmm1
andpd xmm0, xmm1 ; Perform bitwise AND to clear the sign bit
movsd QWORD PTR [r8 + 8 * r11], xmm0 ; store error
; Increment the loop counter
inc r11
; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
cmp r11, r10
; Continue looping if rcx is less than rdx
jl loop_error
pop rsi
pop rcx
calculate_error ENDP
; Restore non-volatile registers
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rbx
; Restore original rsp
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
; Return value in rax
def file
ml64 FiboASMx64.asm /link /DLL /DEF:FiboASMx64.def /OUT:FiboASMx64.dll
nasm -f win64 -o CleanNASM.obj CleanNASM.asm
link /DLL /OUT:CleanNASM.dll /DEF:CleanNASM.def CleanNASM.obj
nasm -f elf64 -o CleanNASM.o CleanNASM.asm
gcc -shared -o CleanNASM.so CleanNASM.o
Test the SO file
nm -D CleanNASM.so
objdump -T CleanNASM.so