03 - ASM 🧮#

The github repository contains MASM (windows) and NASM (windows + linux) version. After the prologue I only consider the windows version.

Bad optimization#


  • Non-sequential array indexing

  • Unnecessary use of registers and redundant operations

  • Unnecessary arithmetic calculations during array access

  • Inefficient management of the stack and registers

  • Repetitive calculation of the golden ratio constant

  • Inefficient use of comparisons and jumps

Description of the DLL/SO#


    ; Prologue
    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp

    ; Adjust to store the local variables
    sub rsp, LOCAL_VAR_SPACE

    ; Save non-volatile registers
    push rbx
    push rsi
    push rdi
    push r12
    push r13
    push r14
    push r15

Calculate the Golden ratio#

    ; Calculate the golden ratio: (1.0 + sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0
    fld1                     ; Load 1.0 onto the FPU stack
    fld QWORD PTR [FIVE]     ; Load 5.0 onto the FPU stack
    fsqrt                    ; Compute sqrt(5.0)
    fadd                     ; Add 1.0 (result: 1.0 + sqrt(5.0))
    fld QWORD PTR [TWO]      ; Load 2.0 onto the FPU stack
    fdiv                     ; Divide (1.0 + sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0
    fstp QWORD PTR [GOLDEN_CONST] ; Store the result in GOLDEN_CONST

Get the arguments from#


    ; Arguments in register store in local
    ; RCX -> fbStart (8 bytes)
    ; RDX -> maxTerms (1 byte)
    ; R8 -> maxFibo (8 bytes)
    ; R9 -> maxFactor (8 bytes)
    mov [rbp - 8], rcx  ; fbStart
    mov [rbp - 16], rdx ; maxTerms
    mov [rbp - 24], r8  ; maxFibo
    mov [rbp - 32], r9  ; maxFactor

    ; Arguments in the stack
    ; Return Address -> (8 bytes) - but 16 bytes alignment
    ; Home space -> (32 bytes) (48)
    ; [rbp+48] -> nbrOfLoops - (8 bytes)
    ; [rbp+56] -> pointer to arTerms (unsigned long long*) - (8 bytes)
    ; [rbp+64] -> pointer to arPrimes (bool*) - (8 bytes)
    ; [rbp+72] -> pointer to arError (double*) - (8 bytes)
    ; [rbp+80] -> reference to goldenNbr - (8 bytes)


    ; Arguments in register store in local
    ; RDI -> fbStart (8 bytes)
    ; RSI -> maxTerms (1 byte)
    ; RDX -> maxFibo (8 bytes)
    ; RCX -> maxFactor (8 bytes)
    ; R8 -> nbrOfLoops - (8 bytes)
    ; R9 -> pointer to arTerms (unsigned long long*) - (8 bytes)

    mov [rbp - 8], RDI ; fbStart
    mov [rbp - 16], RSI ; maxTerms
    mov [rbp - 24], RDX ; maxFibo
    mov [rbp - 32], RCX ; maxFactor
    mov [rbp - 40], R8 ; nbrOfLoops
    mov [rbp - 48], R9 ; pointer to arTerms (unsigned long long*) 

    ; Arguments in the stack
    ; - 48 bytes of local variables 
    ; Return Address -> 0 bytes to 8 bytes (+8 bytes for alignment)
    ; [rbp+16] -> pointer to arPrimes (bool*) 
    ; [rbp+24] -> pointer to arError (double*)
    ; [rbp+32] -> reference to goldenNbr


    ; Some verification
    ; -----------------
    ; Load the values of fbStart, maxFibo, maxTerms, maxFactor, and nbrOfLoops into registers
    mov rax, rcx    ; Load fbStart into rax
    mov rcx, rdx    ; Load maxTerms into rcx
    mov rbx, r8     ; Load maxFibo into rbx
    mov rdx, r9     ; Load maxFactor into rdx
    xor rsi, rsi    ; Zero out rax
    movzx rsi, byte [rbp+48] ; Move 1 byte from [rbp+48] and zero-extend to 64-bit

 ; Check conditions and return PRM_ERR if any condition is true
    cmp rax, 1          ; Compare fbStart with 1
    jl prm_err_label    ; Jump to prm_err_label if fbStart < 1

    cmp rbx, 1          ; Compare maxFibo with 1
    jl prm_err_label    ; Jump to prm_err_label if maxFibo < 1

    cmp rcx, 3          ; Compare maxTerms with 3
    jl prm_err_label    ; Jump to prm_err_label if maxTerms < 3

    cmp rdx, 2          ; Compare maxFactor with 2
    jl prm_err_label    ; Jump to prm_err_label if maxFactor < 2

    cmp rsi, 1          ; Compare nbrOfLoops with 1
    jl prm_err_label    ; Jump to prm_err_label if loop < 1

    cmp rcx, MAX_FIBO_TERMS  ; Compare maxTerms with MAX_FIBO_TERMS
    jg tmt_label ; jump and leave

    mov rax, MAX_FIBO ; Same with MAX_FIBO

    cmp rbx, rax ; Compare maxFibo with MAX_FIBO
    jg too_big_label ; jump and leave

    cmp rdx, rax ; Compare maxFactor with MAX_FIBO
    jg too_big_label ; jump and leave

Main loop#

    xor rcx, rcx ; reset counter to 0
    call clearAndFill
    call fiboWork
    call calculate_error
    ; Increment the loop counter
    inc rcx
    ; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
    cmp rcx, rsi
    jl main_loop

Clear, fill the arrays#

clearAndFill PROC
    push rcx
    push rsi

    ; Clear arTerms and arPrimes
    ; --------------------------
    mov r10 , [rbp - 16] ; r10 = maxterms 
    imul r8, r10, 50 ; endpoint of the loop
    mov rcx, 0 ; counter to 0
    mov r9 , [rbp - 8] ; r9 = fbstart 

    mov rax, [rbp+56] ; rax = ptr to arTerms

    mov rdx, 0 ; rdx zero
    mov [rax + 8 * rcx], rdx ; fill with zero

    mov rax, [rbp+64] ; rax = ptr to arPrimes (bool)
    mov dl, 0 ; dl to false (0)
    mov [rax + rcx], dl ; fill with zero

    ; Increment the loop counter
    inc rcx
    ; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
    cmp rcx, r8
    ; Continue looping if rcx is less than rdx
    jl loop_unsigned

    ; First term
    ; -------------
    mov rcx, 0
    ; init the first value with r11 (fbStart)
    mov rax, [rbp+56] ; rax = ptr to arTerms
    mov [rax], r9 ; r9 = fbstart , first term
    mov [rax + 8 * 50], r9 ; second term = fbstart

    ; Factorization of the two first terms
    mov r13, 0
    call factorization ; r13 = first value
    mov r13, 50
    call factorization ; r13 = second value

    ; Clear arError
    ; -------------
    mov rax, [rbp+72] ; ptr to arError
    movsd xmm0, QWORD PTR [INIT]  ; Load the double value -1 into xmm0
    movsd QWORD PTR [rax + 8 * rcx], xmm0 ; fill arError with 0 (rcx =0)

    ; Increment the loop counter
    inc rcx
    ; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
    cmp rcx, r10
    ; Continue looping if rcx is less than rdx
    jl loop_double

	pop rsi
	pop rcx
clearAndFill ENDP

Searching Fibonacci sequence terms#

fiboWork PROC
    push rcx
    push rsi
    mov r10 , [rbp - 16] ; r10 = maxterms
    mov rcx, 100
    imul r10, r10, 50 ; r10 *= 50

    mov rax, [rbp+56] ; ptr to arTerms

    mov rdx, 0 ; rdx = 0
    mov r8, [rax + 8 * rcx - 800] ; last last term
    add rdx, r8 ; rdx = r8
    mov r8, [rax + 8 * rcx - 400] ; last term
    add rdx, r8 ; rdx = r8 + r8

    cmp rdx, [rbp - 24] ; compare to max_fibo
    jg out_max_fibo ; jump and leave

    mov [rax + 8 * rcx], rdx ; store result

    mov r12, rdx 
    call isPrime ; isPrime(r12) ?
    ; return if rax = 1 prime else rax = 0
    mov r11, [rbp+64] ; pointer to arPrimes
    test rax, rax ; if rax = 0
    jz not_prime ; jump to not_prime

    ; here it is prime we need to modify the value
    mov dl, 1 ; True
    mov [r11 + rcx], dl

    mov r13, rcx
    call factorization ; factorization(r13)

    ; Increment the loop counter
    add rcx,50
    ; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
    cmp rcx, r10
    ; Continue looping if rcx is less than rdx
    jl calculate_fibo

	pop rsi
	pop rcx
fiboWork ENDP
factorization PROC
    ; save r10 and rcx to the stack
    push r10
    push rcx

    ; baseIndex is in r13 by the caller

    mov r11, [rbp - 32]   ; r11 = maxFactor
    mov r10, [rbp + 56]   ; r10 = get the first value of arTerms
    mov r9, [rbp + 64]    ; r9 = get the first value of arPrimes

    mov r8, 0 ; position = 0
    mov rbx, 2 ; rbx = 2 (the start)
    mov rcx, [r10 + 8 * r13] ; rcx = result

    mov rax, rcx ; rax = value
    xor rdx, rdx ; rdx = 0
    div rbx ; rax / rbx, modulo in rdx

    test rdx, rdx ; if rdx not 0
    jnz not_a_factor ; jump

    ; we have a number that is a factor
    inc r8 ;  r8 increase 1
    mov rcx, rax ; result of the division in rcx
    xor r14, r14 ; r14 = 0
    mov r14, r13 ; store r13 in r14 (not useful ?)
    add r14, r8 ; r14 = r14 + r8
    mov [r10 + 8 * r14], rbx ; store the factor

    ; test if prime for r12
    mov r12, rbx
    call isPrime

    ; if rax = 1 prime else rax = 0
    test rax, rax
    jz not_prime_facto

    ; here it is prime we need to modify the value
    mov dl, 1 ; True
    mov [r9 + r14], dl

    ; end of the array jump and leave
    cmp r8, 49 ; 50 = fibo term + 49 * (factors)
    je end_factorization

    ; not a factor just increase rbx
    inc rbx

    ; if rbx too big end factorization
    cmp rbx, r11
    jg end_factorization

    ; if rcx too big end factorization
    cmp rcx, 1
    je end_factorization

    ; Continue the factorization
    jmp start_while

    pop rcx
    pop r10
factorization ENDP
isPrime function#
; test if a r12 is prime number
isPrime PROC
    ; save on the stack r8, r9
    push r8 
    push r9

    mov r8, [rbp - 32]   ; r8 = maxFactor
    cmp r12, r8 ;  If numberPrime is greater than or equal to maxFactor
    jg search ; jump now to search

    ; r8 = r12
    mov r8, r12

    mov rbx, 2 ; rbx = 2
    mov r9, 1 ; r9 = 1 (it's not prime)

; brutforce search
    xor rdx,rdx ; rdx = 0
    mov rax, r12 ; rax = r12
    div rbx ; rax / rbx

    test rdx, rdx ; if modulo = 0, not a prime !
    jz found ; jump to end 

    ; Increment the loop counter
    inc rbx

    ; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
    cmp rbx, r8

    ; Continue looping if rcx is less than rdx
    jl brutPrime

    jmp exit ; leave

    mov r9, 0 ; return 0 it's prime

    mov rax, r9
    ; restore r9 r8
    pop r9
    pop r8

isPrime ENDP

Calculate error#

calculate_error PROC ; Calculate and fill error array
    push rcx
    push rsi
    mov r10, [rbp - 16] ; maxterms
    mov r8, [rbp + 72] ; error array
    mov r9, [rbp + 56] ; arTerms array
    xor r11, r11 ; r11 = 0 (will store the position)

    imul r12, r11, 50 ; r12 - position in arterms
    cmp r11, 2 ; if it's the two_first_value
    jl two_first_value ; jump

    mov rax,[r9 + 8 * r12 - 400] ; rax = last term
    mov rbx,[r9 + 8 * r12 - 800] ; rbx = last last term

    cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax ; xmm0 = rax
    cvtsi2sd xmm1, rbx ; xmm1 = rbx

    divsd xmm0, xmm1 ; xmm0 = xmm1 / xmm0

    ; Load GOLDEN_CONST into xmm1
    movsd xmm1, [GOLDEN_CONST]

    ; Subtract GOLDEN_CONST from xmm0
    subsd xmm0, xmm1

    ; absolute value
    movsd xmm1, [abs_mask]  ; Load the mask into xmm1
    andpd xmm0, xmm1        ; Perform bitwise AND to clear the sign bit

    movsd QWORD PTR [r8 + 8 * r11], xmm0 ; store error

    ; Increment the loop counter
    inc r11
    ; Compare the loop counter with the endpoint
    cmp r11, r10
    ; Continue looping if rcx is less than rdx
    jl loop_error

	pop rsi
	pop rcx
calculate_error ENDP


    ; Restore non-volatile registers
    pop r15
    pop r14
    pop r13
    pop r12
    pop rdi
    pop rsi
    pop rbx

    ; Restore original rsp
    mov rsp, rbp
    pop rbp

    ; Return value in rax



def file



ml64 FiboASMx64.asm /link /DLL /DEF:FiboASMx64.def /OUT:FiboASMx64.dll


nasm -f win64 -o CleanNASM.obj CleanNASM.asm
link /DLL /OUT:CleanNASM.dll /DEF:CleanNASM.def CleanNASM.obj


nasm -f elf64 -o CleanNASM.o CleanNASM.asm
gcc -shared -o CleanNASM.so CleanNASM.o

Test the SO file

nm -D CleanNASM.so
objdump -T CleanNASM.so