Python 📇#
Benchmark parameters#
This page describe the framework to compute the results and print them. And above all handle the call of the libraries.
Benchmark parameters
class parameters:
fiboMaxTerms: int = 74 # 74 is the maximum number of terms that can be calculated, it must fit in int64
numberRun: int = 40 # Number of times the test is performed
fiboStart: int = 1 # The first term of the fibonacci sequence
fiboMaxValue: int = 1304969544928657 # The maximum value of the fibonacci sequence, it must fit in int64
fiboMaxFactor: int = 4000000 # The maximum value of the factorization
fiboNbrOfLoops: int = 7 # The number of times the test is performed
showResult: bool = False # Hide the result of the test
Compute the value and print the value
from typing import List
from benchParameters import parameters
def mean(lst: List[float]) -> float:
"""Calculate the mean.
:param lst: List[float]
The list of values.
:type lst: list of float
:return: float
The mean.
return sum(lst) / len(lst)
def standard_deviation(lst: List[float]) -> float:
"""Calculate the standard deviation.
:param lst: List[float]
The list of values.
:type lst: list of float
:return: float
The standard deviation.
# Calculate the variance (average of squared differences from the mean)
variance = sum((x - mean(lst)) ** 2 for x in lst) / len(lst)
# Standard deviation is the square root of the variance
std_dev = variance ** 0.5
return std_dev
def standard_uncertainty(lst: List[float]) -> float:
"""Calculate the standard uncertainty.
:param lst: List[float]
The list of values.
:type lst: list of float
:return: float
The standard uncertainty or -1 if failure.
if (len(lst) > 1):
variance_correct = sum((x - mean(lst)) ** 2 for x in lst) / (len(lst) - 1)
std_dev_correct = variance_correct ** 0.5
se = std_dev_correct / len(lst) ** 0.5
return se
return -1
Print the value#
def printResults(arPrimes, arTerms, goldenNbr, maxTerms, listTimeCount, nameTest):
"""Print the results of the test, exploit value from the arrays.
:param arPrimes: array of bool
If it is True it is a prime number.
:type arPrimes: list of bool
:param arTerms: array of int64 items (max)
Each term of the fibonacci sequence is stored in this array.
For each 50 items, the first is the current term, the 49 others are the factors.
:type arTerms: list of int64 items (max)
:param goldenNbr: float
The golden number, not calculated by the division, but directly with (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2.
:type goldenNbr: float
:param maxTerms: unsigned char
The maximum number of terms that can be calculated, it must fit in int64.
:type maxTerms: unsigned char
:param listTimeCount: array of float
The time taken for the test.
:type listTimeCount: list of float
:param nameTest: str
The name of the test.
:type nameTest: str
:return: None
This function does not return anything. It prints the results.
This function prints the results of a test, including the prime numbers,
terms, the golden number, the maximum number of terms, the time taken,
and the name of the test.
if parameters.showResult:
for i in range(0, maxTerms):
ligne = ''
baseIndex = i * 50
if arTerms[baseIndex]:
if arPrimes[baseIndex]:
ligne += f"{i + 1} - [{arTerms[baseIndex]}] : "
ligne += f"{i + 1} - {arTerms[baseIndex]} : "
addValue = False
for position in range(1, 50):
index = baseIndex + position
if arTerms[index]:
if arPrimes[index]:
ligne += f"[{arTerms[index]}] x "
ligne += f"{arTerms[index]} x "
addValue = True
if addValue:
ligne = ligne[:- 3]
ligne += "Factor not found"
if ligne:
print("Golden Number : ", goldenNbr)
print("Mean execution time(s) : " + str(mean(listTimeCount)))
print("Standard Deviation (s) : " + str(standard_deviation(listTimeCount)))
print("Standard Uncertainty (s) : " + str(standard_uncertainty(listTimeCount)))
Execute test
import time
from printResults import printResults
from benchParameters import parameters
from typing import List
from array import array
import ctypes
import os
current_directory = os.getcwd()
Conduct Test#
def execute_loop(nameTest: str, functionToTest) -> None:
"""Execute a test loop for a given function and print the results.
This function performs a test loop for a specified function and prints the results.
It runs the function `parameters.numberRun` times, measuring the time taken for each run.
After the loop, it calculates and prints the results, including prime numbers,
terms, the golden number, and the time taken.
:param nameTest: str
The name of the test.
:type nameTest: str
:param functionToTest: callable
The function to be tested. It should have the signature `() -> Tuple`.
:type functionToTest: callable
:return: None
This function does not return anything but prints the test results."""
# List of time taken for the test to calculate the mean and the standard deviation
listTimeCount: List[float] = []
for _ in range(parameters.numberRun):
start_time: float = time.time() # Start the timer
fbRet, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, goldenNbr = functionToTest()
end_time: float = time.time() # End the timer
listTimeCount.append(end_time - start_time) # Add the time taken in the list
printResults(arPrimes, arTerms, goldenNbr, parameters.fiboMaxTerms, listTimeCount, nameTest)
Windows load DLL for C++ / ASM#
# Load the DLL
lib = ctypes.CDLL(
os.path.join(current_directory, 'InteropFibonacciWinCPP.dll')) # Update with the correct path to your DLL
# Set the argument types for the fibonacci_interop function
lib.fibonacci_interop_cpp.argtypes = [
ctypes.c_ulonglong, ctypes.c_ubyte, ctypes.c_longlong, ctypes.c_ulonglong, ctypes.c_ubyte,
ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulonglong), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_bool), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
# Set the return type for the fibonacci_interop function
lib.fibonacci_interop_cpp.restype = ctypes.c_int
arTerms = (ctypes.c_ulonglong * (parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50))() # Adjust size as needed
arPrimes = (ctypes.c_bool * (parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50))() # Adjust size as needed
arError = (ctypes.c_double * parameters.fiboMaxTerms)() # Adjust size as needed
goldenNbr = ctypes.c_double()
result = lib.fibonacci_interop_cpp(parameters.fiboStart, parameters.fiboMaxTerms, parameters.fiboMaxValue,
parameters.fiboMaxFactor, parameters.fiboNbrOfLoops, arTerms, arPrimes, arError,
return result, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, goldenNbr.value
Windows load DLL for Dotnet#
from pythonnet import load
import clr # Import CLR from Python.NET
clr.AddReference(os.path.join(current_directory, 'DllFibonacci.dll'))
from DllFibonacci import MyFiboClass
from System import Array
from System import UInt64, Boolean, Single, Double
from System.Runtime.InteropServices import GCHandle, GCHandleType
def execute_dotnet():
arTerms = Array[UInt64](range(parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50))
arPrimes = Array[Boolean]([False] * (parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50))
arError = Array[Double]([0.0] * parameters.fiboMaxTerms)
# Call the method
# Initialize the out parameter as a reference goldenNbr = Array[Double]([0.0])
fibonacciResult = MyFiboClass.fibonacci_interop_cs(parameters.fiboStart, parameters.fiboMaxTerms,
parameters.fiboMaxValue, parameters.fiboMaxFactor,
parameters.fiboNbrOfLoops, arTerms,
arPrimes, arError)
result = fibonacciResult.Result
return result, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, fibonacciResult.GoldenNumber
Linux load SO for C++ / ASM#
lib = ctypes.CDLL(
os.path.join(current_directory, '')) # Update with the correct path to your DLL
# Set the argument types for the fibonacci_interop function
lib.fibonacci_interop_cpp.argtypes = [
ctypes.c_ulonglong, ctypes.c_ubyte, ctypes.c_longlong, ctypes.c_ulonglong, ctypes.c_ubyte,
ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulonglong), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_bool), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
# Set the return type for the fibonacci_interop function
lib.fibonacci_interop_cpp.restype = ctypes.c_int
from module_python import fibonacci_interop_python
from fiboCython import fibonacci_interop_cython
from fiboCythonFull import fibonacci_interop_cython_full
def execute_cython():
"""Execute the test in Cython."""
arTerms = array('Q', [0] * parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50) # 'Q' for unsigned long long
arPrimes = array('b', [0] * parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50) # 'b' for signed char
arError = array('d', [0] * parameters.fiboMaxTerms) # 'f' for double
fbRet, goldenNbr = fibonacci_interop_cython(parameters.fiboStart, parameters.fiboMaxTerms, parameters.fiboMaxValue,
parameters.fiboMaxFactor, parameters.fiboNbrOfLoops, arTerms, arPrimes,
return fbRet, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, goldenNbr
Python calculation 🧮#
Here is the translation of the algorithm for Python, Cython is included
Import and declaration#
from enum import Enum
from math import sqrt
from typing import List, Tuple
class fbReturn(Enum):
OK = 0
TMT = 1
TB = 2
def isPrime(numberPrime: int) -> bool:
"""Check if the number is a prime number.
:param numberPrime: int
The number to be tested.
:type numberPrime: int
:return: bool
True if the number is a prime number, False otherwise.
This algorithm is a brute-force, non-optimized version. The goal is not to optimize it.
If you want to optimize it, you can consider the following tips:
- Avoid testing even numbers.
- Stop testing when the divisor is greater than the square root of the number.
You can also explore more efficient algorithms such as:
- The sieve of Eratosthenes tables.
- The Miller-Rabin algorithm, although it is not the purpose of this test.
# MaxSearch to don't test all the numbers
maxSearch: int = numberPrime if numberPrime < maxFactor else maxFactor
for i in range(2, maxSearch):
# It's not a prime number if it is divisible by another number (except 1 and itself)
# The module operator (%) returns the remainder of the division
if (numberPrime % i) == 0:
return False
return True
cdef char isPrime(unsigned long long numberPrime, unsigned long long maxFactor):
cdef unsigned long long i
cdef unsigned long long maxSearch = numberPrime if numberPrime < maxFactor else maxFactor
for i in range(2, maxSearch):
if numberPrime % i == 0:
return 0
return 1
def factorization(baseIndex: int) -> None:
"""Factorize the number and fill the array after the baseIndex with the factors.
:param baseIndex: int
The base index of the array, which is a multiple of 50.
:type baseIndex: int
:return: None
This function does not return anything. It fills the arrays.
The maximum number of factors is 49.
The algorithm used here is not optimized; it's just a straightforward implementation.
position: int = 0 # The offset in the array after baseIndex
result = arTerms[baseIndex] # The number to be factorized
testNbr = 2 # The number to be tested (1 is not tested, it is useless)
while result != 1: # While the number is not factorized
if (result % testNbr) == 0: # If the number is divisible by the test number
position += 1 # We increment the offset in the array
arTerms[baseIndex + position] = testNbr # We add the factor in the array
arPrimes[baseIndex + position] = isPrime(
testNbr) # We check if the factor is a prime number and we add it in the array
result /= testNbr # We divide the number by the factor
if position == 49: # If the offset is 49, leave the loop, it was the last factor that could be entered in the array
testNbr += 1 # We test the next number
if testNbr > maxFactor: # If the test number is greater than the maximum factor, leave the loop
cdef void factorization(unsigned long long* arTerms, char* arPrimes, int baseIndex, unsigned long long maxFactor):
cdef int position = 0
cdef unsigned long long result = arTerms[baseIndex]
cdef unsigned long long testNbr = 2
while result != 1:
if result % testNbr == 0:
position += 1
arTerms[baseIndex + position] = testNbr
arPrimes[baseIndex + position] = isPrime(testNbr, maxFactor)
result /= testNbr
if position == 49:
continue testNbr += 1
if testNbr > maxFactor:
Called Function#
def fibonacci_interop_python(fbStart: int, maxTerms: int, maxFibo: int, maxFactor: int, nbrOfLoops: int) \
-> Tuple[fbReturn, List, List, List, float]:
""" Calculate Fibonacci sequence values and related information.
:param fbStart: int
The two first terms of the Fibonacci sequence.
:type fbStart: int
:param maxTerms: int
The maximum number of terms that can be calculated; it must fit in int64.
:type maxTerms: int
:param maxFibo: int
The maximum value of the Fibonacci sequence; it must fit in int64.
:type maxFibo: int
:param maxFactor: int
The maximum value of the factorization.
:type maxFactor: int
:param nbrOfLoops: int
The number of times the test is performed.
:type nbrOfLoops: int
:return: Tuple[int, List, List, List, float]
A tuple with the following components:
- 0 (int): fbReturn.OK if the test is OK
- 1 (List[int]): arTerms, a list of integer values (empty by default)
- 2 (List[bool]): arPrimes, a list of boolean values (empty by default)
- 3 (List[float]): arError, a list of float values (empty by default)
- 4 (float): goldenConst, the golden constant
Possible return values:
- fbReturn.OK: Test is OK
- fbReturn.TMT: maxTerms is too high
- fbReturn.TB: maxFibo is too high
- fbReturn.PRM_ERR: One of the parameters is not correct
arTerms: List[int] = []
arPrimes: List[bool] = []
arError: List[float] = []
if (fbStart < 1) or (maxFibo < 1) or (maxTerms < 3) or (maxFactor < 2) or (nbrOfLoops < 1):
return fbReturn.PRM_ERR, None, None, None, None
if maxTerms > 93:
return fbReturn.TMT, None, None, None, None
if maxFibo > 18446744073709551615:
return fbReturn.TB, None, None, None, None
# Compute the golden number
goldenConst: float = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
# Loop for benchmarks
for _ in range(nbrOfLoops):
# Fill the lists with 0, or false
arTerms = [0] * maxTerms * 50
arTerms[0] = fbStart
arTerms[50] = fbStart
arPrimes = [0] * maxTerms * 50
arError = [0] * maxTerms
# Factorize the first two terms
for currentTerm in range(2, maxTerms): # Loop for the fibonacci sequence
baseIndex = currentTerm * 50 # The base index of the array which is a multiple of 50
nextValue = arTerms[baseIndex - 50] + arTerms[
baseIndex - 2 * 50] # The next value of the fibonacci sequence
if nextValue > maxFibo: # If the next value is greater than the maximum value, leave the loop
return fbReturn.OK, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, goldenConst
arTerms[baseIndex] = nextValue # We add the next value in the array
arPrimes[baseIndex] = isPrime(
arTerms[baseIndex]) # We check if the next value is a prime number and we add it in the array
arError[currentTerm] = abs(
goldenConst - (arTerms[baseIndex] / arTerms[baseIndex - 50])) # We calculate the error
factorization(baseIndex) # We factorize this value
return fbReturn.OK, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, goldenConst
cdef fbReturn fibonacci_interop_c(unsigned long long fbStart, unsigned char maxTerms, unsigned long long maxFibo, unsigned long long maxFactor, unsigned char nbrOfLoops,unsigned long long* arTerms, char* arPrimes, double* arError, double* goldenNbr):
cdef int baseIndex
cdef int currentTerm
cdef unsigned long long nextValue
goldenNbr[0] = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
if fbStart < 1 or maxFibo < 1 or maxTerms < 3 or maxFactor < 2 or nbrOfLoops < 1:
return fbReturn.PRM_ERR
if maxTerms > 93:
return fbReturn.TMT
if maxFibo > 18446744073709551615 or maxFactor > 18446744073709551615:
return fbReturn.TB
for _ in range(nbrOfLoops):
arTerms[0] = fbStart
arTerms[50] = fbStart
factorization(arTerms, arPrimes, 0, maxFactor)
factorization(arTerms, arPrimes, 50, maxFactor)
for currentTerm in range(2, maxTerms):
baseIndex = currentTerm * 50
nextValue = arTerms[baseIndex - 50] + arTerms[
baseIndex - 2 * 50] # The next value of the fibonacci sequence
if nextValue > maxFibo: # If the next value is greater than the maximum value, leave the loop
return fbReturn.OK
arTerms[baseIndex] = nextValue
arPrimes[baseIndex] = isPrime(arTerms[baseIndex], maxFactor)
arError[currentTerm] = abs(goldenNbr[0] - (arTerms[baseIndex] / arTerms[baseIndex - 50]))
factorization(arTerms, arPrimes, baseIndex, maxFactor)
return fbReturn.OK
cpdef tuple fibonacci_interop_cython(unsigned long long fbStart, unsigned char maxTerms, unsigned long long maxFibo, unsigned long long maxFactor, unsigned char nbrOfLoops,array arTermsArray, array arPrimesArray, array arErrorArray):
cdef unsigned long long[:] arTerms = arTermsArray
cdef char[:] arPrimes = arPrimesArray
cdef double[:] arError = arErrorArray
cdef double goldenNbr
# Call the C function
result = fibonacci_interop_c(fbStart, maxTerms, maxFibo, maxFactor, nbrOfLoops,
&arTerms[0], &arPrimes[0], &arError[0], &goldenNbr)
# Return the result and golden number
return result, goldenNbr
Cython full#
cpdef void fibonacci_interop_cython_full(unsigned long long fbStart, unsigned char maxTerms, unsigned long long maxFibo, unsigned long long maxFactor,
unsigned char nbrOfLoops, unsigned char nbrOfRuns):
cdef unsigned long long * arTerms
cdef char * arPrimes
cdef double * arError
cdef double * timeArray
cdef double goldenNbr
cdef int array_size
# Dynamically allocate memory
array_size = maxTerms * 50
arTerms = <unsigned long long *> malloc(array_size * sizeof(unsigned long long))
arPrimes = <char *> malloc(array_size * sizeof(char))
arError = <double *> malloc(maxTerms * sizeof(double))
timeArray = <double *> malloc(nbrOfRuns * sizeof(double))
# Check if memory allocation was successful but we don't care
if not arTerms or not arPrimes or not arError or not timeArray:
# Handle memory allocation failure
if arTerms: free(arTerms)
if arPrimes: free(arPrimes)
if arError: free(arError)
if timeArray: free(timeArray)
raise MemoryError("Failed to allocate memory")
''' ---------------
# Free memory