Python 📇#

Benchmark parameters#

This page describe the framework to compute the results and print them. And above all handle the call of the libraries.

Benchmark parameters

class parameters:  
    fiboMaxTerms: int = 74  # 74 is the maximum number of terms that can be calculated, it must fit in int64  
    numberRun: int = 40  # Number of times the test is performed  
    fiboStart: int = 1  # The first term of the fibonacci sequence  
    fiboMaxValue: int = 1304969544928657  # The maximum value of the fibonacci sequence, it must fit in int64  
    fiboMaxFactor: int = 4000000  # The maximum value of the factorization  
    fiboNbrOfLoops: int = 7  # The number of times the test is performed  
    showResult: bool = False  # Hide the result of the test

Compute the value and print the value

from typing import List  
from benchParameters import parameters


def mean(lst: List[float]) -> float:
    """Calculate the mean.

       :param lst: List[float]
          The list of values.
       :type lst: list of float

       :return: float
          The mean.
    return sum(lst) / len(lst)

def standard_deviation(lst: List[float]) -> float:
    """Calculate the standard deviation.

       :param lst: List[float]
          The list of values.
       :type lst: list of float

       :return: float
          The standard deviation.
    # Calculate the variance (average of squared differences from the mean)
    variance = sum((x - mean(lst)) ** 2 for x in lst) / len(lst)
    # Standard deviation is the square root of the variance
    std_dev = variance ** 0.5
    return std_dev

def standard_uncertainty(lst: List[float]) -> float:
    """Calculate the standard uncertainty.
       :param lst: List[float]
          The list of values.
       :type lst: list of float

       :return: float
          The standard uncertainty or -1 if failure.
    if (len(lst) > 1):
        variance_correct = sum((x - mean(lst)) ** 2 for x in lst) / (len(lst) - 1)
        std_dev_correct = variance_correct ** 0.5
        se = std_dev_correct / len(lst) ** 0.5
        return se
        return -1

Execute test


import time  
from printResults import printResults  
from benchParameters import parameters  
from typing import List
from array import array  
import ctypes  
import os  
current_directory = os.getcwd()

Conduct Test#

def execute_loop(nameTest: str, functionToTest) -> None:
    """Execute a test loop for a given function and print the results.

   This function performs a test loop for a specified function and prints the results.
   It runs the function `parameters.numberRun` times, measuring the time taken for each run.
   After the loop, it calculates and prints the results, including prime numbers,
   terms, the golden number, and the time taken.

   :param nameTest: str
      The name of the test.
   :type nameTest: str
   :param functionToTest: callable
      The function to be tested. It should have the signature `() -> Tuple`.
   :type functionToTest: callable

   :return: None
      This function does not return anything but prints the test results."""

    # List of time taken for the test to calculate the mean and the standard deviation
    listTimeCount: List[float] = []

    for _ in range(parameters.numberRun):
        start_time: float = time.time()  # Start the timer
        fbRet, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, goldenNbr = functionToTest()
        end_time: float = time.time()  # End the timer
        listTimeCount.append(end_time - start_time)  # Add the time taken in the list

    printResults(arPrimes, arTerms, goldenNbr, parameters.fiboMaxTerms, listTimeCount, nameTest)

Windows load DLL for C++ / ASM#

# Load the DLL  
lib = ctypes.CDLL(  
    os.path.join(current_directory, 'InteropFibonacciWinCPP.dll'))  # Update with the correct path to your DLL  
# Set the argument types for the fibonacci_interop function  
lib.fibonacci_interop_cpp.argtypes = [  
    ctypes.c_ulonglong, ctypes.c_ubyte, ctypes.c_longlong, ctypes.c_ulonglong, ctypes.c_ubyte,  
    ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulonglong), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_bool), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),  
# Set the return type for the fibonacci_interop function  
lib.fibonacci_interop_cpp.restype = ctypes.c_int
arTerms = (ctypes.c_ulonglong * (parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50))()  # Adjust size as needed  
arPrimes = (ctypes.c_bool * (parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50))()  # Adjust size as needed  
arError = (ctypes.c_double * parameters.fiboMaxTerms)()  # Adjust size as needed  
goldenNbr = ctypes.c_double()  
result = lib.fibonacci_interop_cpp(parameters.fiboStart, parameters.fiboMaxTerms, parameters.fiboMaxValue,  
                                   parameters.fiboMaxFactor, parameters.fiboNbrOfLoops, arTerms, arPrimes, arError,  
return result, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, goldenNbr.value

Windows load DLL for Dotnet#

from pythonnet import load  
import clr  # Import CLR from Python.NET  
clr.AddReference(os.path.join(current_directory, 'DllFibonacci.dll'))  
from DllFibonacci import MyFiboClass  
from System import Array  
from System import UInt64, Boolean, Single, Double  
from System.Runtime.InteropServices import GCHandle, GCHandleType
def execute_dotnet():  
    arTerms = Array[UInt64](range(parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50))  
    arPrimes = Array[Boolean]([False] * (parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50))  
    arError = Array[Double]([0.0] * parameters.fiboMaxTerms)  
    # Call the method  
    # Initialize the out parameter as a reference    goldenNbr = Array[Double]([0.0])  
    fibonacciResult = MyFiboClass.fibonacci_interop_cs(parameters.fiboStart, parameters.fiboMaxTerms,  
                                                       parameters.fiboMaxValue, parameters.fiboMaxFactor,  
                                                       parameters.fiboNbrOfLoops, arTerms,  
                                                       arPrimes, arError)  
    result = fibonacciResult.Result  
    return result, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, fibonacciResult.GoldenNumber

Linux load SO for C++ / ASM#

lib = ctypes.CDLL(
    os.path.join(current_directory, ''))  # Update with the correct path to your DLL
# Set the argument types for the fibonacci_interop function
lib.fibonacci_interop_cpp.argtypes = [
    ctypes.c_ulonglong, ctypes.c_ubyte, ctypes.c_longlong, ctypes.c_ulonglong, ctypes.c_ubyte,
    ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulonglong), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_bool), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
# Set the return type for the fibonacci_interop function
lib.fibonacci_interop_cpp.restype = ctypes.c_int


from module_python import fibonacci_interop_python  


from fiboCython import fibonacci_interop_cython  
from fiboCythonFull import fibonacci_interop_cython_full  

def execute_cython():  
    """Execute the test in Cython."""  
    arTerms = array('Q', [0] * parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50)  # 'Q' for unsigned long long  
    arPrimes = array('b', [0] * parameters.fiboMaxTerms * 50)  # 'b' for signed char  
    arError = array('d', [0] * parameters.fiboMaxTerms)  # 'f' for double  
    fbRet, goldenNbr = fibonacci_interop_cython(parameters.fiboStart, parameters.fiboMaxTerms, parameters.fiboMaxValue,  
                                                parameters.fiboMaxFactor, parameters.fiboNbrOfLoops, arTerms, arPrimes,  
    return fbRet, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, goldenNbr

Python calculation 🧮#

Here is the translation of the algorithm for Python, Cython is included

Import and declaration#

from enum import Enum  
from math import sqrt  
from typing import List, Tuple

class fbReturn(Enum):  
    OK = 0  
    TMT = 1  
    TB = 2  
    PRM_ERR = 3


    def isPrime(numberPrime: int) -> bool:
        """Check if the number is a prime number.

       :param numberPrime: int
          The number to be tested.
       :type numberPrime: int

       :return: bool
          True if the number is a prime number, False otherwise.

          This algorithm is a brute-force, non-optimized version. The goal is not to optimize it.

          If you want to optimize it, you can consider the following tips:
          - Avoid testing even numbers.
          - Stop testing when the divisor is greater than the square root of the number.

          You can also explore more efficient algorithms such as:
          - The sieve of Eratosthenes tables.
          - The Miller-Rabin algorithm, although it is not the purpose of this test.

        # MaxSearch to don't test all the numbers
        maxSearch: int = numberPrime if numberPrime < maxFactor else maxFactor

        for i in range(2, maxSearch):
            # It's not a prime number if it is divisible by another number (except 1 and itself)
            # The module operator (%) returns the remainder of the division
            if (numberPrime % i) == 0:
                return False
        return True


cdef char isPrime(unsigned long long numberPrime, unsigned long long maxFactor):
    cdef unsigned long long i
    cdef unsigned long long maxSearch = numberPrime if numberPrime < maxFactor else maxFactor
    for i in range(2, maxSearch):
        if numberPrime % i == 0:
            return 0 
    return 1  


    def factorization(baseIndex: int) -> None:
        """Factorize the number and fill the array after the baseIndex with the factors.

               :param baseIndex: int
                  The base index of the array, which is a multiple of 50.
               :type baseIndex: int

               :return: None
                  This function does not return anything. It fills the arrays.

                  The maximum number of factors is 49.

                  The algorithm used here is not optimized; it's just a straightforward implementation.
        position: int = 0  # The offset in the array after baseIndex
        result = arTerms[baseIndex]  # The number to be factorized
        testNbr = 2  # The number to be tested (1 is not tested, it is useless)

        while result != 1:  # While the number is not factorized
            if (result % testNbr) == 0:  # If the number is divisible by the test number
                position += 1  # We increment the offset in the array
                arTerms[baseIndex + position] = testNbr  # We add the factor in the array
                arPrimes[baseIndex + position] = isPrime(
                    testNbr)  # We check if the factor is a prime number and we add it in the array
                result /= testNbr  # We divide the number by the factor
                if position == 49:  # If the offset is 49, leave the loop, it was the last factor that could be entered in the array
            testNbr += 1  # We test the next number
            if testNbr > maxFactor:  # If the test number is greater than the maximum factor, leave the loop


cdef void factorization(unsigned long long* arTerms, char* arPrimes, int baseIndex, unsigned long long maxFactor):  
    cdef int position = 0  
    cdef unsigned long long result = arTerms[baseIndex]  
    cdef unsigned long long testNbr = 2  
    while result != 1:  
        if result % testNbr == 0:  
            position += 1  
            arTerms[baseIndex + position] = testNbr  
            arPrimes[baseIndex + position] = isPrime(testNbr, maxFactor)  
            result /= testNbr  
            if position == 49:  
            continue        testNbr += 1  
        if testNbr > maxFactor:  

Called Function#

def fibonacci_interop_python(fbStart: int, maxTerms: int, maxFibo: int, maxFactor: int, nbrOfLoops: int) \
        -> Tuple[fbReturn, List, List, List, float]:
    """ Calculate Fibonacci sequence values and related information.
       :param fbStart: int
          The two first terms of the Fibonacci sequence.
       :type fbStart: int
       :param maxTerms: int
          The maximum number of terms that can be calculated; it must fit in int64.
       :type maxTerms: int
       :param maxFibo: int
          The maximum value of the Fibonacci sequence; it must fit in int64.
       :type maxFibo: int
       :param maxFactor: int
          The maximum value of the factorization.
       :type maxFactor: int
       :param nbrOfLoops: int
          The number of times the test is performed.
       :type nbrOfLoops: int

       :return: Tuple[int, List, List, List, float]
          A tuple with the following components:
          - 0 (int): fbReturn.OK if the test is OK
          - 1 (List[int]): arTerms, a list of integer values (empty by default)
          - 2 (List[bool]): arPrimes, a list of boolean values (empty by default)
          - 3 (List[float]): arError, a list of float values (empty by default)
          - 4 (float): goldenConst, the golden constant

          Possible return values:
          - fbReturn.OK: Test is OK
          - fbReturn.TMT: maxTerms is too high
          - fbReturn.TB: maxFibo is too high
          - fbReturn.PRM_ERR: One of the parameters is not correct
    arTerms: List[int] = []
    arPrimes: List[bool] = []
    arError: List[float] = []
        if (fbStart < 1) or (maxFibo < 1) or (maxTerms < 3) or (maxFactor < 2) or (nbrOfLoops < 1):
        return fbReturn.PRM_ERR, None, None, None, None

    if maxTerms > 93:
        return fbReturn.TMT, None, None, None, None

    if maxFibo > 18446744073709551615:
        return fbReturn.TB, None, None, None, None

    # Compute the golden number
    goldenConst: float = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2

    # Loop for benchmarks
    for _ in range(nbrOfLoops):

        # Fill the lists with 0, or false
        arTerms = [0] * maxTerms * 50
        arTerms[0] = fbStart
        arTerms[50] = fbStart
        arPrimes = [0] * maxTerms * 50
        arError = [0] * maxTerms

        # Factorize the first two terms

        for currentTerm in range(2, maxTerms):  # Loop for the fibonacci sequence
            baseIndex = currentTerm * 50  # The base index of the array which is a multiple of 50
            nextValue = arTerms[baseIndex - 50] + arTerms[
                baseIndex - 2 * 50]  # The next value of the fibonacci sequence

            if nextValue > maxFibo:  # If the next value is greater than the maximum value, leave the loop
                return fbReturn.OK, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, goldenConst

            arTerms[baseIndex] = nextValue  # We add the next value in the array
            arPrimes[baseIndex] = isPrime(
                arTerms[baseIndex])  # We check if the next value is a prime number and we add it in the array
            arError[currentTerm] = abs(
                goldenConst - (arTerms[baseIndex] / arTerms[baseIndex - 50]))  # We calculate the error
            factorization(baseIndex)  # We factorize this value

    return fbReturn.OK, arTerms, arPrimes, arError, goldenConst


cdef fbReturn fibonacci_interop_c(unsigned long long fbStart, unsigned char maxTerms, unsigned long long maxFibo, unsigned long long maxFactor, unsigned char nbrOfLoops,unsigned long long* arTerms, char* arPrimes, double* arError, double* goldenNbr):
    cdef int  baseIndex
    cdef int currentTerm
    cdef unsigned long long nextValue

    goldenNbr[0] = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2

    if fbStart < 1 or maxFibo < 1 or maxTerms < 3 or maxFactor < 2 or nbrOfLoops < 1:
        return fbReturn.PRM_ERR

    if maxTerms > 93:
        return fbReturn.TMT

    if maxFibo > 18446744073709551615 or maxFactor > 18446744073709551615:
        return fbReturn.TB

    for _ in range(nbrOfLoops):
        arTerms[0] = fbStart
        arTerms[50] = fbStart
        factorization(arTerms, arPrimes, 0, maxFactor)
        factorization(arTerms, arPrimes, 50, maxFactor)

        for currentTerm in range(2, maxTerms):
            baseIndex = currentTerm * 50
            nextValue = arTerms[baseIndex - 50] + arTerms[
                baseIndex - 2 * 50]  # The next value of the fibonacci sequence

            if nextValue > maxFibo:  # If the next value is greater than the maximum value, leave the loop
                return fbReturn.OK

            arTerms[baseIndex] = nextValue
            arPrimes[baseIndex] = isPrime(arTerms[baseIndex], maxFactor)
            arError[currentTerm] = abs(goldenNbr[0] - (arTerms[baseIndex] / arTerms[baseIndex - 50]))
            factorization(arTerms, arPrimes, baseIndex, maxFactor)

    return fbReturn.OK

cpdef tuple fibonacci_interop_cython(unsigned long long fbStart, unsigned char maxTerms, unsigned long long maxFibo, unsigned long long maxFactor, unsigned char nbrOfLoops,array arTermsArray, array arPrimesArray, array arErrorArray):
    cdef unsigned long long[:] arTerms = arTermsArray
    cdef char[:] arPrimes = arPrimesArray
    cdef double[:] arError = arErrorArray
    cdef double goldenNbr

    # Call the C function
    result = fibonacci_interop_c(fbStart, maxTerms, maxFibo, maxFactor, nbrOfLoops,
                                         &arTerms[0], &arPrimes[0], &arError[0], &goldenNbr)

    # Return the result and golden number
    return result, goldenNbr

Cython full#

cpdef void fibonacci_interop_cython_full(unsigned long long fbStart, unsigned char maxTerms, unsigned long long maxFibo, unsigned long long maxFactor,  
                                 unsigned char nbrOfLoops, unsigned char nbrOfRuns):  
    cdef unsigned long long * arTerms  
    cdef char * arPrimes  
    cdef double * arError  
    cdef double * timeArray  
    cdef double goldenNbr  
    cdef int array_size  
    # Dynamically allocate memory  
    array_size = maxTerms * 50  
    arTerms = <unsigned long long *> malloc(array_size * sizeof(unsigned long long))  
    arPrimes = <char *> malloc(array_size * sizeof(char))  
    arError = <double *> malloc(maxTerms * sizeof(double))  
    timeArray = <double *> malloc(nbrOfRuns * sizeof(double))  
    # Check if memory allocation was successful but we don't care  
    if not arTerms or not arPrimes or not arError or not timeArray:  
        # Handle memory allocation failure  
        if arTerms: free(arTerms)  
        if arPrimes: free(arPrimes)  
        if arError: free(arError)  
        if timeArray: free(timeArray)  
        raise MemoryError("Failed to allocate memory")  

	''' ---------------
    # Free memory  