# ℹ Introduction Python scripts can be protected in order to avoid stealing intellectual property, algorithms or anything else you want to hide from the final user. As using an interpreter (usually `CPython`), your code is translated from human readable language (python) in python bytecodes (stored in `__pycache__`) by the computer of the user; with some modifications of `CPython` source code, you could extract all the code (even if it's obfuscated) without difficulties. The solution provided here does work only with `Windows`. But you could use `Wine` on Linux to run the binaries. ![](_💾Assets/Structure_Protection.png) > [!tip] How to dump code object to disk ? > Compile Python from the source. Modify the `_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault` function such that it dumps the code object to disk. In this note, I propose a strong way of protecting your python scripts. Python Script will be obfuscated by a tool named **`PyArmor`** which relies on an external unknown not open-source library. The essential algorithms/functions will be translated in C++ by **`Cython`** which will provide a Dynamic Link Library which will be protected by **`Enigma Protector`** and called by our Python script. All the program will be packed with **`PyInstaller`**. # 🔧 Requirements - [Enigma Protector](https://enigmaprotector.com/en/order.html) - 200 € In order to compile, you need to move two files in your project from the sdk/VC path of *Enigma Protector*. File 1 : `enigma_ide.h` File 2 : `enigma_ide64.lib` In `enigma_ide.h`, just insert the following line. ```cpp #include <windows.h> ``` - [PyArmor](https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io) - 100 € ```bash pip install pyarmor pyarmor register pyarmor-regfile-1.zip pyarmor -v ``` ```bash Pyarmor 8.1.9 (pro), 00XXXX, XXXXXXXX License Type : pyarmor-pro License No. : pyarmor-vax-00XXXX License To : XXXXXXXX (Rémi SCHREVEL) BCC Mode : Yes RFT Mode : Yes Notes * Internet connection is required to verify Pyarmor license ``` - [Cython](https://cython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) with [MSVC](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/) ```bash pip install cython ``` - [PyInstaller](https://pyinstaller.org/) ```bash pip install pyinstaller ``` - [UPX](https://upx.github.io/) ```bash choco install upx ``` ## ⚙️Process ```mermaid flowchart TD A[Python extension.pyx] -->|Convert in C++ with Cython| B(C++ Code extension.ccp/header - .h) B -->|MSVC compilation| H[Compiled extension.pyd] H --> C{Building the program} C -->|Enigma Protector| D[Protected extension.pyd] C -->|Choose definitive| E[CPython Interpreter version] E -->|Write Python program| F[my_script.py] F -->|Import module| D F -->|PyArmor| I[protected my_script.py] I --> J[\Packaging all, with PyInstaller/] D --> J J --> |Code Signature - SignTool| K{{Distribution to Final User}} ``` # 🔨 Building protected `extension.pyd` ## 🏎️ Cython testing > [!NOTE] About Cython > Cython is a programming language that aims to be a superset of the Python programming language, designed to give C-like performance with code that is written mostly in Python with optional additional C-inspired syntax. Cython is a compiled language that is typically used to generate CPython extension modules. Cython could generate with your Python code a **c++ file** which could be compiled in a dynamic link library (DLL) which could be directly called by your python code. The first file is the python file script you want to convert in C. Please note the extension **.pyx**. File : `fib.pyx` ```python # cython: language_level=3 def fib(n): """Print the Fibonacci series up to n.""" a, b = 0, 1 while b < n: print(b, end=' ') a, b = b, a + b print() ``` Now we need to create the `setup.py`, which is a python Makefile (for more information see [Source Files and Compilation](https://cython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/userguide/source_files_and_compilation.html) File : `setup.py` ```python from setuptools import setup from Cython.Build import cythonize setup( ext_modules=cythonize("fib.pyx"), ) ``` Run the following command : ```bash python setup.py build_ext --inplace ``` It converts it in `c` and compile with `msvc` in `fib.cp311-win_amd64.pyd` ![](_💾Assets/shareware1.png) **DLL Export Viewer** tells us this is a valid DLL ```python import fib fib.fib(50000000) # will give the expected result ``` ## 🔮 Enigma Protector The goal is to protect your python app, and especially here with Enigma Protector your extension in `.pyd`. In order to do this, you will need : - some of your most important code into a `.pyx file` which will be converted in `c++`, this code will be protected ; - protect the DLL produced by cython with enigma protector ; - Use it ! > [!INFO] Information > C compiled files are faster than python cause they don't deal with python object structure. C files are also faster when they deal with loops, and cause they don't deal with the GIL, cython gives you the opportunity to use all your CPU cores. > [!WARNING] Warning > Be careful, GIL exists to avoid some complex problem with memory access to shared variables and handle correctly garbage collector. ### ⚒ Tuning before compilation Here we are working with a `c++` file. It doesn't change a lot except in `setup.py`. File : `setup.py` ```python from setuptools import setup, Extension from Cython.Distutils import build_ext setup( name='Test app', ext_modules=[ Extension('test_it', sources=['script_test.pyx'], extra_link_args=['/MAP'], libraries=["enigma_ide64"], language="c++") ], cmdclass={'build_ext': build_ext} ) ``` ### 👓 API Studying I will not copy all the [manual](https://enigmaprotector.com/en/help.html) in this article, if you want more informations about the API please read the manual. A ==Marker== is a set of bytes placed into the source code and helping Enigma Protector find the code inside markers for processing. A marker consists of two parts: begin marker and end marker. ```cpp // Markers API __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall EP_Marker(const char*); ``` ==EP_RegHardware== function serves for retrieving unique user PC information. The function does not have parameters. If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the null-terminated ANSI string. If the function fails, the return value is 0. ```cpp // Registration API __declspec(dllimport) char* __stdcall EP_RegHardwareID(); __declspec(dllimport) wchar_t* __stdcall EP_RegHardwareIDW(); ``` ==EP_RegKeyStatus== EP_RegKeyStatus returns the error status of registration information after the key verification routine. It should be called after any function that verifies registration information, for example, after [EP_RegCheckKey](https://enigmaprotector.com/en/help/manual/228dccf2db5df2e70cce7c6eef76f790) or [EP_RegLoadAndCheckKey](https://enigmaprotector.com/en/help/manual/6e2da73e9435938a6435821a0493d3d7). ```cpp __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall EP_RegKeyStatus(); ``` ==EP_RegCheckAndSaveKeyW== function serves for verifying and saving the registration information. It has the same functionality as [EP_RegCheckAndSaveKey](https://enigmaprotector.com/en/help/manual/5b6524b0b5ceafe4cc77dfb43530dfda), but is used for processing Unicode (wide) strings data. Please note, to use this function you should enable UNICODE Registration Scheme at [REGISTRATION FEATURES - Common panel](https://enigmaprotector.com/en/help/manual/c6986f6340cdc24bb53c8eeba016050f). ```cpp __declspec(dllimport) BOOL __stdcall EP_RegCheckAndSaveKeyW( const wchar_t* Name, const wchar_t* Key ); ``` ==EP_RegDeleteKey== function serves for deleting the existing registration information. ```cpp __declspec(dllimport) BOOL __stdcall EP_RegDeleteKey(); ``` ==EP_ProtectedString== function returns protected strings. See also [Protection Features - Protected Strings](https://enigmaprotector.com/en/help/manual/4d1c32e6e3747944d4012cb6c54e818c). ```cpp __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall EP_ProtectedStringByID( int ID, const char* Str, int Len); __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall EP_ProtectedStringByKey( const char* Key, const char* Str, int Len); ``` #### 🎇 Using Widestring Char (Unicode) in Cython - **wchar_t*** Because the API exposes two kinds of function. One `AnsiString` and one `WideString`, please consider the following code to work with ==WideString==. ```python # Imports and declaration to work fromWideChar from cpython.ref cimport PyObject from libc.stddef cimport wchar_t cdef extern from "Python.h": PyObject * PyUnicode_FromWideChar(wchar_t *w, Py_ssize_t size) # import functions cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": void EP_Marker(char* Name) char* EP_RegHardwareID() wchar_t * EP_RegHardwareIDW() cdef PyObject * pystr = PyUnicode_FromWideChar(EP_RegHardwareIDW(), -1) wide_str_hid = str(<object> pystr) print('WideChar :', wide_str_hid) ``` ```python > WideChar : 02EF34-F57F02 ``` #### 🗜️RISC Markers Virtualization File : `script_test.pyx` ```python # distutils: language = c++ # cython: language_level=3 # import functions cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": void EP_Marker(char* Name) # Declare a trivial function def sum_it(number1, number2): return number1 + number2 # Protect this with RISC virtualization EP_Marker("vm_risc_begin") a = 4 b = 7 c = a + b print('Virtualized :', c) EP_Marker("vm_risc_end") # Classic python code print("Give me the sum :", sum_it(1, 2)) input("End, press key") ``` Convert and build with `msvc` ```bash python setup.py build_ext --inplace ``` ![](_💾Assets/shareware3.png) The protected module and his functions are callable like any other module in python. So in our program we will load this `extension.pyd` like any other package/module. **Exemple** : importing `test_it` will run the module init code. ```python import test_it ``` ![](_💾Assets/shareware4.png) #### 🗜️Choose function to Virtualize - Need `extra_link_args=['/MAP']` in `setup.py` - Virtual Machine → Functions Selecting → Add Functions ![](_💾Assets/Pasted%20image%2020230504141234.png) In order for a function to be visible in **Enigma Protector**, it’s important to mark the function `public` ```python cpdef public int ma_fonction_A(int number1, int number2): print("Welcome in function A") cdef int number3 number3 = int(input("Give me a number :")) return number1 + number2 + number3 ``` ### 🔏 Registration feature #### 🖲️Get Hardware ID ```python # distutils: language = c++ # cython: language_level=3 import cython from cpython.ref cimport PyObject from libc.stddef cimport wchar_t cdef extern from "Python.h": PyObject * PyUnicode_FromWideChar(wchar_t *w, Py_ssize_t size) wchar_t * PyUnicode_AsWideCharString(object, Py_ssize_t *) cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": char * EP_RegHardwareID() wchar_t * EP_RegHardwareIDW() # ANSI ansi_str_hid = str(EP_RegHardwareID(), 'cp1252') print('EP_RegHardwareID :', ansi_str_hid) # WIDE cdef PyObject * pystr pystr = PyUnicode_FromWideChar(EP_RegHardwareIDW(), -1) wide_str_hid = str(<object> pystr) print('EP_RegHardwareWide :', wide_str_hid) ``` #### 🔓Register software First you need to generate a key, please note that in this article I will use WideChar (Unicode in configuration). It's more complex than ANSI, if you understand with Unicode, it will be straightforward for ANSI. ![](_💾Assets/shareware6.png) ```python # distutils: language = c++ # cython: language_level=3 import cython from cpython.ref cimport PyObject from libc.stddef cimport wchar_t from libcpp cimport bool cdef extern from "Python.h": PyObject * PyUnicode_FromWideChar(wchar_t *w, Py_ssize_t size) wchar_t * PyUnicode_AsWideCharString(object, Py_ssize_t *) cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": bool EP_RegCheckAndSaveKeyW(wchar_t * Name, wchar_t * Key) reg_name = input("Name :") reg_key = input("Key :") cdef wchar_t *reg_name_wchar cdef wchar_t *reg_key_wchar cdef Py_ssize_t length reg_name = u"Test-WrongUSER" reg_key = u"CKML369-XGSH5DW-RVG2ANU-W4FG4K4-J2RQYHM-32SD3LD-XJPKSYB-S5RPPPE-SEURZXQ" reg_name_wchar = PyUnicode_AsWideCharString(reg_name, &length) reg_key_wchar = PyUnicode_AsWideCharString(reg_key, &length) print("Registration to : ", reg_name) if EP_RegCheckAndSaveKeyW(reg_name_wchar, reg_key_wchar): print("Registration OK, please restart APP") quit() else: print("Registration ERROR") ``` ##### 🪟Registration dialog If you want to use the registration dialog just use the dedicated API ```python cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": void EP_RegShowDialog() if not registered: EP_RegShowDialog() ``` #### 🪄 Registration status ```cpp # distutils: language = c++ # cython: language_level=3 import cython from cpython.ref cimport PyObject from libc.stddef cimport wchar_t cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": int EP_RegKeyStatus() if EP_RegKeyStatus() == 1: print("You are registered") else: print("You are NOT registered") ``` #### 🔐Locking function from registration ```python # distutils: language = c++ # cython: language_level=3 import cython cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": void EP_Marker(char * Name) cdef public int ma_fonction_B(int number1, int number2): cdef int number3 # If the user is registered and the key allow block 6 EP_Marker("reg_crypt_begin6") print("Welcome to the registered and crypted part 6") number3 = int(input("Give me a number :")) EP_Marker("reg_crypt_end6") # If the user is not registered or doesn't allow block 6 EP_Marker("unreg_crypt_begin6") print("Welcome to the unregistered part 6") number3 = 8 EP_Marker("unreg_crypt_end6") return number1 - number2 - number3 ``` #### ❌ Delete registration ```python # distutils: language = c++ # cython: language_level=3 import cython from libcpp cimport bool cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": bool EP_RegDeleteKey() if EP_RegDeleteKey() == 1: print("Deletion of registration OK") ``` ### 🗃️ File virtualization It's possible to hide some files inside the executable. You will access to these files directly from your script. ![](_💾Assets/shareware5.png) **Add** a file `virtual_file.txt` with some text You could read the file with python easily : ```python with open('virtual_file.txt') as f: lines = f.readlines() print("------- virtual_file.txt -------") print(lines) print("--------------------------------") ``` ### 🧵 Protected strings You can add some sensible protected strings in your code. We will see in this section how to retrieve them : ![](_💾Assets/shareware7.png) **Add** some strings in Enigma Protector #### 🧶 Ansistring ##### ID ```python import cython from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free from cpython.bytes cimport PyBytes_FromStringAndSize cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": int EP_ProtectedStringByID(int ID, char * Buffer, int Len) cdef char * buf_string_2 buf_size_2 = EP_ProtectedStringByID(2, b'', 0) print("Size of the string #2: ", buf_size_2) buf_string_2 = <char *> malloc((buf_size_2) * sizeof(char)) if EP_ProtectedStringByID(2, buf_string_2, buf_size_2) != 0: py_bytes = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(<char *> buf_string_2, buf_size_2) ansi_string = py_bytes.decode('windows-1252') print('AnsiString :', ansi_string) else: print("Error can't extract #2") free(buf_string_2) ``` ##### Key ```python import cython from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": int EP_ProtectedStringByKey(char * Key, char * Left, int Len) cdef char * buf_string_2 buf_size = EP_ProtectedStringByKey("tckQpD9z", b'', 0) print("Size of the string #1: ", buf_size) buf_string_2 = <char *> malloc((buf_size + 1) * sizeof(char)) if EP_ProtectedStringByKey("tckQpD9z", buf_string_2, buf_size) != 0: buf_string_2[buf_size] = b'\0' print(str(buf_string_2, 'cp1252')) else: print("Error can't extract #1") free(buf_string_2) ``` #### 🪢 Widestring ```python import cython from cpython.ref cimport PyObject from libc.stddef cimport wchar_t from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free from cpython.bytes cimport PyBytes_FromStringAndSize cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": int EP_ProtectedStringByID(int ID, char * Buffer, int Len) buf_size = EP_ProtectedStringByID(1, b'', 0) print("Size of the string #1: ", buf_size) cdef wchar_t * buf_string if buf_size > 0: buf_string = <wchar_t *> malloc(buf_size) if not buf_string: raise MemoryError("Failed to allocate memory") EP_ProtectedStringByID(1, <char *> buf_string, buf_size) py_bytes = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(<char *>buf_string, buf_size) wide_string = py_bytes.decode('utf-16') print('WideString :', wide_string) free(buf_string) ``` #### 💾 Binary ```python import cython from cpython.ref cimport PyObject from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free cdef extern from "enigma_ide.h": int EP_ProtectedStringByKey(char * Key, char * Left, int Len) cdef char * buf_string_2 buf_size = EP_ProtectedStringByID(3, b'', 0) print("Size of the string #3: ", buf_size) buf_string_2 = <char *> malloc((buf_size + 1) * sizeof(char)) if EP_ProtectedStringByID(3, buf_string_2, buf_size) != 0: print(str(buf_string_2)) else: print("Error can't extract #3") free(buf_string_2) ``` ### ✒️Signing `extension.pyd` **Advantage for signing code :** - Validates code integrity - Issuing company reputation and authenticity - Safe and secure user experience - Seamless integration with multiple platforms - On my side, I have a certificate issue from [Sectigo](https://sectigo.com/ssl-certificates-tls/code-signing) ```bash signtool sign /fd SHA256 /n "Rémi SCHREVEL" /t http://timestamp.digicert.com .\cython_protect.cp311-win_amd64.pyd ``` ![](_💾Assets/Pasted%20image%2020230505143923.png) # 🛡Building protected my_script.py ## ♾️Informations - Current features of ==PyArmor 8+== | OS | Windows | Apple | Linux | | | | | | | ------------------:|:----------:|:------:|:-----:|:-----:|:----------:|:-------:| ----- |:-----:| | Arch | x86/x86_64 | x86_64 | arm64 | arm64 | x86/x86_64 | aarch64 | armv7 | armv6 | | Themida Protection | Y | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | | RFT Mode | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | No | | BCC Mode | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Futur | No | | Others | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | No | | pyarmor-7 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | - PyArmor only work with the interpreter (version) used by your script. So be sure that the final user are using the same interpreter. One way is to packed python with [PyInstaller](#📦Packaging%20with%20PyInstaller) . ## 📄 Our script The program we want to protect is composed of two scripts. If we want to use and load our `extension.pyd` just load like any other module. File : `main.py` ```python from fibonacci import fibonacci print("Welcome to the test program") nbr = input("Please enter an integer : ") if None != (fib_list := fibonacci(nbr)): print("Sequence of Fibonacci : ") print(fib_list) input("Press key to stop") ``` File : `fibonacci.py` ```python def fibonacci(n): try: nbr = int(n) if nbr <= 0: raise ValueError FibArray = [0, 1] for i in range(nbr - 2): FibArray.append(FibArray[-1] + FibArray[-2]) return FibArray except: print("Incorrect input") return None ``` ## 📜 Obfuscating one script First we want to protect the script `fibonacci.py` to see what’s happening. ```bash pyarmor gen fibonacci.py ``` ![](_💾Assets/Pasted%20image%2020230504150348.png) The obfuscated `fibonacci.py` is : ```python from pyarmor_runtime_005107 import __pyarmor__ __pyarmor__(__name__, __file__, b'PY005107\x00\x03\x0b\x00\xa7\r\r\n\x80\x00\x01\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "\xcf\x8d)mO\xfa\xe7\x04\xc8\xfeZ\xf6K\xf6,F\x14k\xbd\x07\x1e\xf5\x12\xf97=!\xb0`'") ``` And `pyarmor_runtime.pyd` is integrated in the `dist` folder. Let’s see what contains `pyarmor_runtime.pyd`, it's an executable from PyArmor. Not open-source. ![](_💾Assets/Pasted%20image%2020230504150725.png) The program `main.py` works as expected : ```python (pyarmor-cython-py3.11) D:\JetBrainsProjects\PyCharm\PyArmor_Cython\dist>python main.py Welcome to the test program Please enter an integer : 55 Sequence of Fibonacci : [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832 040, 1346269, 2178309, 3524578, 5702887, 9227465, 14930352, 24157817, 39088169, 63245986, 102334155, 165580141, 267914296, 433494437, 701408733, 1134903170, 1836311903, 2971215073, 4807526976, 7778742049, 12586269025, 20365011074, 32951280099, 53316291173, 86267571272] Press key to stop ``` The key needed to read/decrypt/deobfuscate `fibonacci.py` is directly included in the PyArmor_Runtimes package. ### 📜 Obfuscating multiple script ```bash pyarmor gen main.py fibonacci.py ``` The program `main.py` will works as expected. ### 🥽 Protecting features Activate the mode you desire. ```bash --obf-module <0,1> # enable all module 1 --obf-code <0,1,2> # Obfuscation mode (best is 2) --enable <jit,rft,bcc,themida> --enable-jit # Use JIT to process some sensitive data to improve security --enable-rft # renaming function/class in the scripts --enable-bcc # converting Python functions to C functions --enable-themida # Use Themida to protect runtime package --mix-str # Mix the string constant in scripts --assert-call # Assert function is obfuscated --assert-import # Assert module is obfuscated --period N # Check Runtime Key periodically. ``` ## 🗝️Excluding Key and binding to user In most cases, it’s better to not include the `key` into runtimes, but provide it and personnalized it for each user. **PyArmor** gives us some nice options. ### ‼️ Excluding Key #### Change the name of the licence file ```bash pyarmor cfg outer_keyname="my_licence.key" ``` #### Don’t include the key ```bash pyarmor gen main.py fibonacci.py --outer ``` And expected behavior : ```python > (venv) D:\JetBrainsProjects\PyCharm\PyArmorV2\dist>python main.py > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "D:\JetBrainsProjects\PyCharm\PyArmorV2\dist\main.py", line 2, in <module> > from pyarmor_runtime_005107 import __pyarmor__ > File "D:\JetBrainsProjects\PyCharm\PyArmorV2\dist\pyarmor_runtime_005107\__init__.py", line 2, in <module> > from .pyarmor_runtime import __pyarmor__ > RuntimeError: missing license key to run the script (1:10251) ``` ### 🔑 Generate Key #### Syntax ```python pyarmor gen key <options> # Options # -O PATH, --output PATH # -e DATE, --expired DATE # --period N # -b DEV, --bind-device DEV # --bind-data, store data ``` Bind device ```python $ pyarmor gen key -b # IP $ pyarmor gen key -b 52:38:6a:f2:c2:ff # MAC ADDRESS $ pyarmor gen key -b HXS2000CN2A # SERIAL NUMBER OF DISK $ pyarmor gen key -e 30 # 30 Days / Check NTP SERVER $ pyarmor gen key -e .2022-12-31 # Date / Don't Check NTP SERVER (see .) $ pyarmor gen key --period 1 # check every 1hour $ pyarmor gen key --period 3600s # check every 1hour $ pyarmor gen key --period 60m # check every 1hour $ pyarmor gen key --period 1h # check every 1hour $ pyarmor gen key --bind-data "Licensed to Rémi" ``` Generating a key ```python pyarmor gen key -e 30 --bind-data "Licensed to Rémi" ``` #### 🔎 Get data from the key ##### get hdinfo ```python __pyarmor__(0, None, b'hdinfo', 1) # serial n°first harddisk __pyarmor__(1, None, b'hdinfo', 1) # mac address first card __pyarmor__(2, None, b'hdinfo', 1) # ipv4 first card __pyarmor__(0, "/dev/vda2", b'hdinfo', 1) __pyarmor__(1, "eth2", b'hdinfo', 1) __pyarmor__(0, "/0", b'hdinfo', 1) # First disk __pyarmor__(0, "/1", b'hdinfo', 1) # Second disk __pyarmor__(1, "*", b'hdinfo', 1) # get all network ``` ##### get keyinfo ```python print('bind data is', __pyarmor__(0, None, b'keyinfo', 1)) print('expired epoch is' __pyarmor__(1, None, b'keyinfo', 1)) ``` ##### Example ```python print('this is __pyarmor__', __pyarmor__) # crash if no runtimes print(__pyarmor__(0, None, b'hdinfo', 1)) print('bind data is', __pyarmor__(0, None, b'keyinfo', 1)) print('expired epoch is', __pyarmor__(1, None, b'keyinfo', 1)) print("Welcome to the test program") ``` give ```python >(venv) D:\JetBrainsProjects\PyCharm\PyArmorV2\dist>python main.py > this is __pyarmor__ <built-in function __pyarmor__> > WD-WCC7K7LPJLSE > bind data is b'Licensed to R\xc3\xa9mi' > expired epoch is 1685944028 ``` ##### Test if protected `__assert_armored__` Parameters: - **arg** (_object_) – arg is a module or callable object Returns: - return `arg` self if `arg` is obfuscated, otherwise, raise protection error. ```python m = __import__('abc') __assert_armored__(m) def hello(msg): print(msg) __assert_armored__(hello) hello('abc') ``` # 📦Packaging with PyInstaller PyArmor need absolutely to use the same version used when protecting the script. The easiest way to distribute the app will be to packed the interpreter, the app, the extension. Please see below how to proceed : ## 🩹 Generating and patching spec file + First we need to specify a different folder for our obfuscated files (cause `dist` will be used by pyinstaller) ```bash pyarmor gen -O obfdist main.py fibonacci.py --outer ``` - Next we need to move the runtime package to the current path to ask pyinstaller to include it ```bash mv obfdist/pyarmor_runtime_000000 ./ ``` - Generate the spec file for **PyInstaller** ```bash pyi-makespec --hidden-import pyarmor_runtime_000000 main.py fibonacci.py ``` - Patching `foo.spec` by inserting extra code after `a = Analysis` ```python a = Analysis( ... ) # Patched by PyArmor _src = r'/path/to/src' _obf = r'/path/to/src/obfdist' _count = 0 for i in range(len(a.scripts)): if a.scripts[i][1].startswith(_src): x = a.scripts[i][1].replace(_src, _obf) if os.path.exists(x): a.scripts[i] = a.scripts[i][0], x, a.scripts[i][2] _count += 1 if _count == 0: raise RuntimeError('No obfuscated script found') for i in range(len(a.pure)): if a.pure[i][1].startswith(_src): x = a.pure[i][1].replace(_src, _obf) if os.path.exists(x): if hasattr(a.pure, '_code_cache'): with open(x) as f: a.pure._code_cache[a.pure[i][0]] = compile(f.read(), a.pure[i][1], 'exec') a.pure[i] = a.pure[i][0], x, a.pure[i][2] # Patch end. ``` - Generate the final bundle ```bash pyinstaller main.spec ``` ## 🗺️ Add icon In the spec file ```bash exe = EXE( ... icon='my_icon.ico' ) ``` ## ℹ️ Adding version info In the spec file ```bash exe = EXE( ... version='VersionInfo.rc', icon='my_icon.ico' ) ``` With `VersionInfo.rc`: ```bash VSVersionInfo( ffi=FixedFileInfo( filevers=(1, 2, 3, 4), OS=0x40004, fileType=0x1, ), kids=[ StringFileInfo( [ StringTable( u'040904B0', [StringStruct(u'CompanyName', u'Company Name'), StringStruct(u'FileDescription', u'Description'), StringStruct(u'InternalName', u'Internal Name !!'), StringStruct(u'LegalCopyright', u'Copyright (c) yep'), StringStruct(u'OriginalFilename', u'main.exe'), StringStruct(u'ProductName', u'ProductName'), StringStruct(u'ProductVersion', u'1.2.3 (2312321)')]) ]), VarFileInfo([VarStruct(u'Translation', [0x0409 , 0x04B0 ])]) ] ) ``` - Generate the final bundle ```bash pyinstaller main.spec ``` ![](_💾Assets/Pasted%20image%2020230506080946.png) ![](_💾Assets/Pasted%20image%2020230506081000.png) ## ✒️ Signing the Package ```bash signtool sign /fd SHA256 /n "Rémi SCHREVEL" /t http://timestamp.digicert.com .\main.exe ``` ![](_💾Assets/Pasted%20image%2020230506081105.png) - Move the licence file `my_licence.key` # 🌐Conclusion - We’ve seen how to protect our python program or some sensitive parts that we don't want to share ; - Each time, we have to trust an external program (not open-source) ; - Even if it seems strong, with time, method and courage it is possible to **crack** your program, if the CPU can run the code, the cracker can see it ! - Better solution would be to provide the software as a service (I hate that), more updates and a good service ; - It’s not suitable for programs that need maximum resources cause using virtual machine /obfuscation / protection add extra steps to CPU and more memory ; - This article is a good example of how interface **C++ Libraries** with Python. >[!note] > Rémi SCHREVEL for sciences-physiques.net the 3 July 2024 > PyArmor 8.5.10, Enigma Protector X64 7.60, Python 3.12, PyInstaller 6.8